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These are the components of the Researched Relief cancer treatment.

                                                                                                 Why so many?

Because cancer is not one thing; it is many things. It is a cascading series of errors, failures, and defects. It evolves, progresses, spreads - becoming ever more dangerous.
And so to beat it, you must suppress and hold it a half dozen different ways, exploit every available way to weaken it, and finally make sure you kill all of it. Each components effect is made greater and more toxic to the cancer by the presence of all the others.


1) The most active phytochemical in broccoli, it promotes cancer cell destruction, and inhibits the ability of cancer to gather nutrients.    Read on


2) A plant flavonol found in kale that promotes cancer cell death, and inhibits cancer cells' ability to spread and metastasize.      Read on 

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3)Tumeric`s key molecule that inhibits the grow of cancer cells, and potentiates the anticancer effectiveness of other treatments.    Read on  

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5)Tomato phytonutrient that controls runaway cellular replication, and stops a crucial survival pathway that cancer cells need.     Read on  

4)Sunshine vitamin that suppresses cancer by reducing inflammation, and metastatic processes.     Read on   

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6)Critical cellular coenzyme that helps restrict blood flow to cancer sites, and controls the steps cancer must go through to metastasize and spread.     Read on 

7)Fish oil that reduces cancer cell proliferation, and causes cancer cell destruction by hampering cancer cellular energy production.     Read on  

8)Anticancer sleep hormone that inhibits cancer energy production, and promotes cancer cell death pathways.     Read on  

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Optional Treatment Enhancement
Keto Diet) Low carbohydrate diet that reduces the availability of blood glucose: cancer cells' favored fuel. With limited blood glucose cancer is more susceptible to anticancer treatments, it's growth slows or stops and it becomes less invasive, less dangerous. 
Listen to a fascinating interview with Boston Collage professor Dr, Thomas Seyfried on keto and cancer here

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