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For our first visit, we will meet in my back garden office to discuss how the treatment protocol works and how it is taken.


In this discussion, there are no bad or frivolous questions, and we will go through everything until you are satisfied and comfortable with the process.   


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We will then then go on to talk about costs and how the treatment will be organized. Briefly, all pills and other materials are provided by Researched Relief (at no cost) First, on a weekly basis and then biweekly. When we meet to exchange pill bottles, we will also review how the treatment program is progressing.  The bill for the treatment ($3000 taxes included) is due only when your oncologist confirms with scans or other tests that you are cancer free. 


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When we finish our discussion, you can if you wish, begin treatment immediately. Or you may wish to consider if this approach is right for you, and of course, talk over your decision with your family, friends and doctors.


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